Development setup

Operating system for development

You can develop and build Hexatomic on Linux, Mac OS and Windows. We suggest that you use Linux for development, to avoid non-straightforward install procedures for required technologies as well as potential issues with file encodings, paths, and file permissions.

Required software

Hexatomic is implemented in Java, built with Apache Maven, and versioned with Git. You need all three on your computer to contribute code to Hexatomic.

The documentation is written in Markdown and generated with mdbook.

Java 1.8

You need to have a copy of the Java Development Kit (JDK), Version 1.8 (sometimes referred to as Java 8) installed on your computer. It shouldn't make any difference whether you use the open OpenJDK implementation of Java, or an Oracle JDK. We suggest that you use OpenJDK in its latest build (which was 1.8u232 at the time of writing). See the OpenJDK 8 Updates site to find out what the currently latest build is. OpenJDK is included in the package management repositories (dpkg (via apt), RPM, etc.) of most Linux distributions. For stand-alone packages, you can use the installers distributed by the AdoptOpenJDK project. AdoptOpenJDK packages are are available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

You can check which version of Java you have installed by typing the following command into the terminal of your computer:

java -version

On Linux, this should produce the following output, or something similar. The second line may look different, depending on the Linux distribution you use.

openjdk version "1.8.0_222"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_222-8u222-b10-1ubuntu1~18.04.1-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.222-b10, mixed mode)

Apache Maven

You need to have a copy of Apache Maven in version 3.6.3 or newer installed on your computer. To find out how to install Maven on your system, please see the Apache Maven website.

You can check which version of Maven you have installed by typing the following command into the terminal of your computer:

mvn -version

On Linux, this should produce the following output, or something similar. The first line is the important one, the other ones may look different, depending on the Linux distribution you use.

Apache Maven 3.6.3
Maven home: /usr/share/maven
Java version: 1.8.0_222, vendor: Private Build, runtime: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "5.0.0-23-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"

Known bug in Maven version 3.6.2

If mvn -version returns Maven version 3.6.2, you will have to install version 3.6.3 or newer instead, as version 3.6.2 contains a bug that will break the Hexatomic build. You can learn more about this in the respective bug report.


You need to have a copy of Git in version 2.17.1 or newer installed on your computer. To find out how to install Git on your system, please see the Git website.

You can check which version of Git you have installed by typing the following command into the terminal of your computer:

git --version

On Linux, this should produce the following output.

git version 2.17.1


If you want to build the documentation online book locally to, e.g., see your changes as they will look like online, you need to have a copy of mdbook, version 0.3.1 or newer installed on your computer. To find out how to install mdbook on your system, please see the mdbook website.

You can check which version of mdbook you have installed by typing the following command into the terminal of your computer:

mdbook --version

On Linux, this should produce the following output.

mdbook v0.3.1

Suggested editor: Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Hexatomic is built on the Eclipse 4 Platform, and takes the form of an Eclipse product composed of Eclipse plugins and Eclipse features. While you can certainly write your Java, XML, Markdown, etc., in any editor of your choice, we suggest that you use the free and open source Eclipse IDE, version 2019-06 or newer.

You can download it from the Eclipse download website.

Eclipse IDE installation

The download contains an installer which lets you configure the setup of your IDE. To develop Hexatomic, you will need to install Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers:

  • Extract the downloaded file.
  • Start the Eclipse installer (eclipse-inst).
  • From the list of available Eclipse packages, choose Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers.

During the installation, accept licenses, set directories, etc., as you see fit.

After you have installed the IDE itself, install the required tool plugins.

IDE Plugin installation

If not noted otherwise, Eclipse plugins are installed as follows:

  • Open the Install Wizard via the menu Help > Install New Software...
  • In the Work with: field, enter the URL of the Update Site for the plugin, given in brackets below.
  • Select the plugins you want to install, and install it with the help of the wizard.

List of Eclipse IDE plugins required for Hexatomic development