How to create a corpus from scratch

  1. Create a directory with the name that your corpus should have. Avoid special characters and spaces when naming your directory.

  2. [Optional] Create subdirectories for any subcorpora you want to create.

  3. Add plain text files ending in .txt that contain the raw text of your corpus. Create one file for each text that should make up a separate document in the corpus. Sort the files into the respective subfolders for subcorpora, should you have any. Make sure to save the text files with the UTF-8 character encoding. If you use Windows, you cannot use the default Notepad. Use another text editor instead, for example the free and open source Notepad++ that uses UTF-8 per default.

A simple corpus structure may, for example, may now look like this:

├── document1.txt
└── document2.txt

A (slightly) more complex corpus with two subcorpora may now look like this:

├── authors_A-M
│   ├── jane_eyre.txt
│   ├── moby_dick.txt
│   ├── sense_and_sensibility.txt
│   └── sherlock_holmes.txt
└── authors_N-Z
    ├── dracula.txt
    ├── frankenstein.txt
    └── time_machine.txt
  1. Open Hexatomic, and import the newly created main corpus directory (from step 1), using the text importer as described in Importing and exporting corpora.